Natera GSM 2023
Natera™ is a global leader in cell-free DNA testing, dedicated to oncology, women’s health, and organ health. Their aim is to make personalized genetic testing and diagnostics part of the standard of care to protect health and inform patients earlier. With more targeted interventions Natera is helping people lead longer, healthier lives.
Every year Natera hosts an internal Global Sales Meeting, to celebrate the achievements of their employees globally, re-cap a year’s worth of company accomplishments, and help educate their staff on new products and releases to be expected in the upcoming year of sales.
Having already rebranded Natera itself in years past, Design In Mind has established a long-standing relationship with them and was quickly elected as the team to cultivate the brand identity for this four-day spectacle in 2023.
Brand Identity + Event Design
Senior Designer at Design In Mind